When you eat hot or cold food does it make you wince? How about brushing or flossing your teeth, do you feel any pain? If so, you may have a condition of sensitive teeth. For many people, having sensitive teeth is common. However, if you have sensitive teeth frequently or it really bothers you, then you may want to visit your west chicago dentist to determine if it is a result of a more serious condition.


The west chicago il dentist commonly see sensitive teeth affecting many people. It tends to develop over time and gradually creates hypersensitivity when using or caring for your teeth. Sensitivity is caused by an exposure of dentin which lies under the enamel of your teeth. Dentin is a soft tissue that is made up of small hollow tubes and canals and is near the nerves and cells inside your tooth. Once food particles or temperature reaches the exposed dentin, it then creates a surge of pain or sensitivity. 


Sometimes sensitive teeth can be caused by a variety of dental conditions. If you are brushing too hard or tend to grind your teeth at night, that may cause your teeth enamel to wear out and expose the dentin. Or if you have a gum disease such as gingivitis or if you have receding gums, then the gum tissue can become weaken or inflamed which then also causes the exposure of dentin. Be sure to see the dentist west chicago regularly to help ease the pain of sensitivity.  


Sensitive teeth can be easily treated by changing your tooth paste that will help block the sensation of sensitivity from your teeth. Or if you feel that your situation may be more severe, then asking your dentist west chicago il for suggestions of treatment would also be helpful. 


However proper oral hygiene is the first step in preventing sensitive teeth. Your dentist in west chicago would be able to provide more information about how to properly maintain a healthy mouth.



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In our mouths, we have numerous forms of bacteria. Some are helpful and some are harmful. Bacteria in the mouth can be helpful because it helps to sanitize the mouth and breaks down food particles. However, too much bacteria can lead to the development of gum disease which can be damaging to your oral health.  


When the bacteria start to collect in the mouth, it can create a sticky colorless substance known as “plaque” that sticks on to your teeth. If the plaque is not removed during brushing or flossing, the particle can harden and turn in to tartar. Over time, plaque and tartar becomes more difficult to remove at home so a professional cleaning with the west chicago dentist is important for maintaining your oral health and preventing decay and periodontal (gum) disease.


The longer the plaque and tartar remain on the teeth, the more harm they can cause to your oral health. Eventually plaque and tartar will create a mild form of gum disease called Gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gum tissue. Ideally, routine cleanings and proper oral care can prevent gingivitis from developing. Once gum disease is prevalent, only your west chicago il dentist can help to maintain the disease and prevent it from progressing. 


In cases where gingivitis is not treated, it can then advance to periodontal disease. With periodontal disease, the inflammation now affects the soft tissue (gums) and the tooth and if left unattended, it can cause the tooth to loosen or fall out. 


Having periodontal disease also can affect your overall bodily health. In many studies, there have been connections with periodontal disease to diabetes and heart disease. It is important to regularly see the dentist west chicago for a routine, professional cleaning and examination to prevent gum disease.


With periodontal disease, the dentist west chicago il has solutions to help you prevent and maintain gum disease. A common solution for controlling periodontal disease is a deep dental cleaning, which can be performed by your dentist in west chicago or certified hygienist.


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Although we don’t pay much attention to the use of our saliva, it is actually a very vital substance for our everyday living. We use saliva to eat more easily, to taste our food, and to disinfect our mouths. However, if we don’t produce enough saliva, we are left to experience an uncomfortable condition the dentist in West Chicago would diagnose as Xerostomia, or dry mouth. 


Everyone experiences dry mouth at some point in their lives. People experience dry mouth when they are nervous, dehydrated or simply stressed out. Although very common, it can be very uncomfortable and irritating for those who experience it regularly. Frequent dry mouth not only makes your mouth feel uncomfortably dry, it can also have other adverse effects. Xerostomia can cause problems with eating and swallowing, dry lips, problems tasting food, and gradual tooth decay or bacteria buildup. If you feel you are constantly experiencing dry mouth, you should contact dentist West Chicago IL for an evaluation.  


People frequently experience dry mouth as a side effect to certain medications. The West Chicago dentist can help determine whether or not your medications are causing this. It can also be a side effect from illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, or HIV/AIDS. Also, people can also develop dry mouth from certain treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. 


There are many ways that you can treat dry mouth. Some at-home treatments include drinking more water, chewing gum or simply maintaining proper oral care.  However, if you feel that the at home treatments are not enough, you should schedule an appointment with the dentist West Chicago in order to explore treatment options that are right for you. Be sure to see the dentist in West Chicago IL regularly to ensure the best possible care for your oral health.






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Fluoride is great compound to use to help children and adults prevent tooth decay and fight cavities. We use fluoride in our daily use of tooth paste, mouthwashes or scheduled routine cleaning from our dentist. However, over consumption of fluoride from common household products can lead to a diagnosis called Dental Fluorosis by your West Chicago dentist.


What is it?

Dental Fluorosis is a condition that changes the appearance of permanent teeth causing the teeth to look discolored or rough. The teeth may have white lace-like or spotted markings that only the dentist West Chicago can see. In more severe cases, the teeth may appear yellow or have a rough surface to the common-eye.  Fluorosis can only occur in children within their early ages of life up to age 8 because it only affects permanent teeth that are still within the gums and are starting to grow in. Once the permanent teeth are fully developed, the visual characteristics of fluorosis will appear.


How does fluorosis happen?

As stated earlier, fluorosis occurs when fluoride is overused or consumed. Young children may enjoy the taste of toothpaste or mouthwash and instead of spitting it out, children consume it.  Some other sources that may contain fluoride that children can overly consume may include drinking water, certain beverages or food that use fluoridated water or in some cases dietary tablets. To learn about fluorosis, you can always contact the dentist in West Chicago IL


What are some treatment methods?

Fluorosis usually is very mild and doesn’t require any treatment. In the rare cases where fluorosis appears more severe, you may want to check in with West Chicago IL dentist in order to learn about treatment options. These options might include teeth whitening, hard resin coating (bonding), inserting crowns, or veneers. The dentist in West Chicago would be able to perform the necessary treatment to fix fluorosis.







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Many people suffer from bruxism, or teeth grinding. It can occur in your sleep, so you wake up with a splitting headache and a sore jaw, with no control over stopping the problem. When you neglect the problem that your West Chicago dentist has diagnosed, bruxism can take a serious toll on your teeth. Some of the effects of bruxism are worn tooth enamel, recessed gums, increased tooth sensitivity, jaw pain, earaches and headaches. This can also eventually lead to tooth loss. If you suffer from bruxism, your dentist in West Chicago recommends a mouth guard.



A mouth guard cushions your teeth throughout the night so that you are unable to grind or clench while you are wearing it. This will protect your mouth from the damage that can occur. If you suspect that you are suffering from bruxism, you should immediately schedule a visit with your dentist West Chicago. Your dentist offers a variety of services wants to help you keep your smile healthy.


When you visit your dentist in West Chicago IL, you can ask to be fitted for a mouth guard. You will receive a custom-fit mouth guard that will protect your teeth throughout the night. Your dentist West Chicago IL can fit you for the mouth guard that day in order to immediately begin preventing your teeth grinding. A mouth guard is a very simple, gentle solution to a potentially very dangerous issue. 


Everyone suffers from the daily stresses of life, and many people sleep with mouth guards at night in order to prevent damage. Life’s stressors do not have to affect your smile if you are proactive about finding a solution. It is incredibly important to take immediate if you feel that you might be suffering from bruxism. This will help to prevent emergency dental care in the future, allowing you to maintain your beautiful smile for the rest of your life.





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Every time you stop in to visit your West Chicago Dentist, you are asked, “Do you floss regularly?” This is because flossing is instrumental in maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile. It helps to remove the plaque that brushing alone can’t reach. While we all know brushing is critical to your oral health, it is important to understand the benefits of flossing daily.

Flossing is a great way to protect your gums. When you floss, your dentist West Chicago recommends also working between your gums and teeth in order to remove plaque within between your gums. This will prevent the accumulation of plaque that eventually hardens into tartar. Tartar buildup can cause gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss. While you can remove plaque from your teeth and gums, tartar is much stronger, meaning that it requires a trip to your dentist in West Chicago in order to remove it. Simple, preventative care such as flossing regularly can help to ward off tartar and to keep all of your teeth.

Flossing can also provide financial benefits. This preventative care can reduce more severe problems down the road. Regular visits to your dentist West Chicago for a cleaning is a lot more cost effective than needing emergency care due to a lack of flossing. Flossing is a great way to stop the problems before they even start.

Flossing is also beneficial to your overall health. By maintaining great oral health, you are able to prevent other systematic problems such as heart disease and respiratory disease. Your West Chicago Dentist wants you to life a long, healthy life, and it all starts with maintaining your beautiful, clean smile.




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Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, is very common among people. Caused by stress, anxiety, and sometimes an abnormal bite, teeth grinding often occurs while you are sleeping, so many people do not even realize they are doing it. Your dentist in West Chicago has some pointers on how to recognize bruxism, though.

There are a couple of symptoms to watch out for if you suspect that you grind your teeth. A dull, constant headache is a sign that you grind your teeth in your sleep. Also, a sore jaw is a telltale sign of bruxism. If you suspect that you suffer from bruxism, you should immediately see your West Chicago dentist because there are many adverse effects that come from teeth grinding.

Teeth grinding can result in loosening of teeth, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. You could also wear your teeth down to the point of needing crowns, root canals, or dentures. In addition, it can affect your hearing, your jaw, and can even alter the appearance of your face. There are solutions, though, and your dentist in West Chicago wants to help you stop grinding your teeth.

Your dentist in West Chicago wants to help. You can be fitted with a mouth guard to protect your teeth at night. In addition, if you notice that you clench your jaw during the day, you should actively try to break your habit. Your West Chicago dentist might recommend courses of action to reduce stress such as attending stress counseling or starting a new exercise program. You can stop bruxism, but you need to be proactive about it.



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Let’s face it: going to the dentist is not most people’s top priority.  It is something that easily falls to the wayside, and many people do not want to inconvenience themselves with scheduling regular visits.  These preventative visits to your dentist in West Chicago are a lot more beneficial than people realize, though.  Not only is preventative care much more affordable than restorative care, but these visits also make for a much more pleasurable trip to the dentist.
Although you might think you are saving money by skipping those regular visits, it will be significantly more expensive when you do decide to stop in to visit your dentist in West Chicago.  Not only will you need a thorough cleaning that you should have had months, or even years, ago, but you will also need to fix a more pressing problem that could have been avoided.  If you keep up with your visits to your dentist in West Chicago, you will ultimately save money.  Your semi-annual cleaning is much more affordable than that root canal that you now need because you skipped it. 
You should not wait until you are stranded on a highway to re-fuel your car, just like you should not wait until you know something is wrong to stop by your dentist in West Chicago for a checkup.  You should not be in pain when you are making an appointment; that’s when you know you are too late.  It is always nice to hear that you are still cavity-free and that your teeth will remain that way, as opposed to finding out that you have multiple cavities that now need to be drilled and filled.  You may need that cleaning more than you realized, and if you actively work to swing by your dentist in West Chicago, it is less likely that you will ever have to make a dreadfully painful visit.
Although making a trip to visit your dentist in West Chicago might sound inconvenient and costly, preventative care is much more affordable than restorative care, and it is much more pleasant to maintain your teeth than to fix them.  Go ahead and make that appointment to see your dentist in West Chicago.  Don’t wait ‘til it hurts!
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Gum disease has a way of sneaking up on people.  The warning signs are there, but you do not see them as threatening, or you choose to disregard them.  It begins with a little blood in the sink while brushing and flossing.  You notice it, but you ignore it, and the blood eventually goes away.  That does not mean that the gum disease is gone, though.  On the contrary, it means that it has progressed to the next stage.  Left untreated, plague will continue to build up, and gum disease will lead to tooth loss.  If you visit your dentist in West Chicago regularly, though, you will be able to avoid this issue.  Your dentist in West Chicago wants to help.
Gum disease is caused by the presence of plaque on gums and teeth.  Over time, the plaque produces toxins that weaken and eventually destroy gum tissue and teeth.  Brushing alone will not prevent this, so it is very important to floss daily.  Sometimes, even this is not enough.  When this plaque continues to build up, it eventually hardens into tartar, leading to infection and inflammation.  Tartar can only be removed through a professional cleaning, so it is very important to make an appointment with your dentist in West Chicago in order to prevent further infection.
Some symptoms of gum disease include bleeding, tenderness of gums, presence of puss between your teeth and gums, and chronic bad breath.  Also, your gums may be pulling away from your teeth, your bite may change, or you may experience a looseness or separation of your teeth from your gums.  If you experience any of these symptoms, you should immediately visit your dentist in West Chicago.  If you address the problem immediately, you can reverse these effects and preserve your teeth.  If you continue to ignore the warning signs, though, it will result in teeth loss, and you will soon be forced to merely maintain the disease so that it does not continue to worsen, as opposed to reversing it altogether.
It is extremely important to regularly visit your dentist in West Chicago.  Your dentist in West Chicago is able to thoroughly examine and clean your teeth so that you don’t have to.  Through proper preventive care and regular checkups, your dentist in West Chicago ensures that his patients can keep all of their teeth for all of their lives.
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Dentist in West Chicago Offers Affordable Care

Dr. Hetal Patel, West Chicago dentist, opened the doors of his brand new dental practice, West Chicago Dental Works, earlier this year. The office offers a very family friendly atmosphere. He aims to continually provide high quality dentistry at affordable prices.

As one of the few dentists in the West Chicago area that accepts public aid, Dr. Patel is pleased to provide care to families that otherwise may struggle affording care. He believes that every person should have access to affordable and quality care for them and their families, adults and children alike.

By utilizing some of the most current dental technology in a modern and comfortable dental office, Dr. Patel’s patients enjoy their experience. His staff is kind and friendly and the doors are always open to new patients. Whether patients seek a gentle touch, affordable care, or a top notch facility, West Chicago Dental Works has it all.

Contact us today for more information.

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